
Failing Grade

The goal of education is to promote learning. Sitting in classrooms is a weak proxy for knowing how to read, do math, and apply science. Latin America needs to worry less about schooling and more about learning.

Jeffrey Puryear

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Americas Quarterly

Measuring Up?

Measuring Up?

In 2009, some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean improved their PISA performance, but all ranked in the bottom third in all subjects tested.

Alejandro J. Ganimian

Reports ˙

The Challenge of Education Quality

Las pruebas de aprendizaje en América Latina muestran resultados preocupantes. ¿Cuáles son los principales retos que debe enfrentar la región para revertirlos?

Ariel Fiszbein

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Le Monde Diplomatique

Nuevos proyectos de PREAL

Con dos nuevos proyectos inició PREAL sus actividades en el año 2001. Uno de ellos es el programa «Educación privada en América Latina: al servicio de las metas nacionales para el desarrollo de recursos humanos.» Su objetivo es, por una parte, identificar formas que ayudan a asegurar que la educación…

Reports ˙

Desarrollando estándares de contenido: creando un proceso para el cambio.

Líderes en todos los ámbitos del sistema educativo están desarrollando estándares para especificar aquéllo que los estudiantes deben saber y ser capaces de hacer en las principales áreas de contenidos. Los grupos locales y estatales, las organizaciones profesionales, y los consorcios de estados y distritos están diseñando estándares.   Descargue…

Reports ˙

Estándares para las escuelas norteamericanas: ¿Ayuda u obstáculo?

Los esfuerzos por reformar los colegios norteamericanos no son precisamente una novedad. Cuando en 1957 la Unión Soviética envió al Sputnik alrededor del globo terrestre, el Congreso Norteamericano dirigió su mirada a las escuelas para recobrar lo que creíamos tener: el liderazgo en el espacio. El movimiento de reforma currícular…

Elliot W. Eisner

Reports ˙

In Rebuilding Haiti, Improving Education Must Be a Priority

Haiti is not only the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it is also the least educated. Roughly half the population is illiterate. Only two-thirds of children who begin primary school complete it.

Jeffrey Puryear

˙ Latin America Advisor

Decentralization for Educational Quality

The education law and the various decennial and operation plans of education have specifically presented a policy of education participation, where the community, families and organizations non-governmental are stimulated to integrate in the development of education programs and projects.

Reports ˙


CIEPLAN Celebrates 40th Anniversary

CIEPLAN, one of Chile’s (and Latin America’s) leading think tanks, celebrated its 40th anniversary on November 7th in Santiago

Jeffrey Puryear

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ CIEPLAN

Report Card on Education- Peru

This is the third Report Card on Education that is produced in Peru. In that sense, this gives us the possibility- as long as the data allow us- to make comparisons over time. It is important to recognize that the results of the first report card, published in 2004, we…

Reports ˙

Decentralization for Quality Education

Since its creation in 1995, the Program for Education Reform Promotion in Latin America and the Caribbean (Programa de Promoción de la Reforma Educativa en América Latina y el Caribe (PREAL)  has proposed to contribute to the improvement of quality and equity in education through the enhancement of education policies,…

Reports ˙

Report Card on Education- Honduras

Despite the improvement in enrollment rates, Honduras is still behind in relation to the implementation of reforms that substantially improve the quality, efficiency and equity of education. The obstacles are many, including the education system internal factors such as lack of sufficient resources, political will, power transfer in the management…

Reports ˙