
The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration

The Inter-American Dialogue and Lynne Rienner Publishers are pleased to announce the release of The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration: China, the TPP, and Beyond, co-edited by Adrian H. Hearn and Margaret Myers.

Margaret Myers, Adrian Hearn

Books ˙

China’s Rising Investment Profile in the Caribbean

Over the past decade, China has become an increasingly important source of investment for developing countries. China’s investment, however, in the Caribbean is still minimal.

Richard L. Bernal

Reports ˙

China and Latin America in 2014

China’s relations with Latin America are becoming increasingly routine. China is a critical partner for much of the region.

Peter Hakim, Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ China Policy Review

REVIEW – Latin America and the Asian Giants

The likelihood that the U.S. will play a diminishing role in economic and political affairs in places like Brazil and Colombia has given Asian nations an opening to assert greater influence.

Margaret Myers

Book Review ˙ ˙ Americas Quarterly

Nationalization & Its Discontents: Low Oil Prices & Latin America

As global oil prices collapsed over the last two years, regional governments have started to lose their leverage in the energy industry. To attract international investors, they must offer increasingly favorable terms, which means ceding more of their own control.

Lisa Viscidi

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs

Criminal Abortion Laws in Latin America

On April 6th, 2016, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a discussion on “Criminal Abortion Laws in Latin America”.

Joan Caivano, Diana Jordán

Event Summaries ˙

Transforming US-Latin American Relations

Latin America, inter-American affairs, and the region’s global relations have changed dramatically since the end of the Cold War.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ ReVista