
Teacher Assessment

This report analyzes the main problems regarding teacher performance evaluations in primary and secondary education, through a recent  literature review and a study of  current practices in OECD countries.

Marlène Isoré

Reports ˙

The Missing Voice of Students and Parents

The teacher performance evaluation is a reality that seems to be here to stay in an important and growing majority of Latin American countries. A working paper by UNESCO (Murillo, 2007) finds that only two countries in the region –Nicaragua and Paraguay- have not yet considered the design and implementation…

Marcela Román

Reports ˙

Teacher Effectiveness

This working paper contains a review of recent international literature on themes related to teacher effectiveness.The first section presents a working definition of the term as used in this review. Section 2 covers general educational needs, the state of the teaching profession, and the status of teacher training in Latin America.1 Section 3 presents several…

Barbara C. Hunt

Reports ˙

¿Qué dice la literatura internacional sobre la efectividad del desempeño docente?

Hoy no se discute el hecho de que los docentes son de una importancia central para producir una educación de calidad. Sin embargo, la literatura está repleta de controversias sobre los más variados aspectos de la efectividad docente. Barbara C. Hunt – especialista en temas docentes con amplia experiencia en…

Reports ˙