Press Mentions

No papel, as mudanças fazem muito sentido, mas não sabemos se, de fato, colocarão Cuba no caminho da China ou do Vietnã. É preciso saber se haverá vontade política. […] Esta Constituição é a chance de Miguel Díaz-Canel iniciar sua era.
The crucial factor in determining bilateral relations [between El Salvador and China] will be Bukele’s initial hold on power. A landslide victory would give him considerable leeway in how he governs... Anything short of that would leave him at the mercy of establishment figures and limit his options both domestically and internationally.
There are plenty of constraining factors, such as the handful of remaining conservatives in state positions and the supremacy of the Party, which will circumscribe just how much change can be effectuated by the new (state) leadership.
The recent political process hints that Raul and the old guard of Cuba’s ‘historic generation’ will remain influential players in national policy for several years to come. This is true within both state and party organs.
[En cuanto a la riña comercial entre Estados Unidos y China] hay ciertas industrias latinoamericanas en las que sin duda habrá un impacto. La principal es la industria de la soja. Con nuevos aranceles es muy probable que la soja latinoamericana, principalmente de Brasil y Argentina, capture una porción adicional del mercado chino.
Fidel was much more charismatic than Raul, but even so, the current president knew how to keep Cuba relevant... Cuba will maintain some of that [international] appeal for a while, but they need to modernize the country.
Mr. Diaz-Canel is frequently described as enigmatic.  Even diplomats from China, one of Cuba’s closest allies, are unsure of where he stands. There are lots of moving pieces with this transition. Things are only beginning.
La cooperación educativa por parte de China es parte de un esfuerzo más amplio que tiene como fin estrechar los lazos [diplomáticos] entre [China y] los países latinoamericanos y caribeños.
Estados Unidos no va a integrar a la Unión un estado con una economía estancada. Me parece que, seguramente, ‘María’ ha hecho aún más difícil la ruta hacia la estadidad.