Will Latin America Turn Against China Over Human Rights?
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on Latin American and Caribbean countries’ perceptions of China amid rising global competition.
Evan Ellis is a research professor of Latin American studies at the US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, with a focus on the region’s relationships with China and other non-Western Hemisphere actors as well as transnational organized crime and populism in the region. Ellis previously served as on the secretary of state’s Policy Planning Staff with responsibility for Latin America and the Caribbean as well as International Narcotics and Law Enforcement issues.
Ellis was an event speaker at the Dialogue.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on Latin American and Caribbean countries’ perceptions of China amid rising global competition.
In what ways could mediation play out and bring a peaceful end to the standoff? How likely is wide-scale bloodshed, civil war or international military intervention to occur in the weeks ahead?
¿Qué tan probable es que ocurra una intervención militar en las próximas semanas?
Why has China taken on such a large role in Ecuador’s oil sector?
China continued to make inroads into Latin America’s energy sector this year.
How has China’s involvement in Latin America’s energy sector evolved?