

Peru’s Outlook Under PPK

A day prior to PPK’s swearing-in as Peru’s president, the Inter-American Dialogue held an event to discuss the political and economic outlook for the country under Kuczynski’s government. Marcello Estevão, mission chief for Peru at the IMF, and Luis Oganes, Global Head of Emerging Markets Research at JP Morgan Chase,…

David Alzate

Event Summaries ˙

US Policy Shift on Cuba

The process of normalizing diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba is proceeding slowly, but holds great promise for businesses.

Gene Kuleta, Devry Boughner Vorwerk

Event Summaries ˙

Rousseff Should Leave US with a Trade Deal

President Rousseff is arriving in Washington on Monday to meet the US president. Nothing particularly important will happen.

Moisés Naím

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Financial Times

Nationalization & Its Discontents: Low Oil Prices & Latin America

As global oil prices collapsed over the last two years, regional governments have started to lose their leverage in the energy industry. To attract international investors, they must offer increasingly favorable terms, which means ceding more of their own control.

Lisa Viscidi

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs

How Is Latin America’s Middle Class Faring?

Why has growth of the region’s middle class slowed down? What needs to be done to maintain the gains of the last decade?

George Gray Molina, John Price, Jeff Dayton-Johnson

Cuba and the US

American and Cuban leaders today are trying to bring a relationship once defined by antithetical ideologies into the 21st century.

Michael Shifter, Ben Raderstorf

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Great Decisions 2016

RIO Data Release

The following is a sample of RIO’s bi-monthly data release related to money services businesses (MSBs) and the Honduran remittance market.

Laura Porras, Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙


Can Dilma Weather the Storm?

Brazil faces enormous challenges, but Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment is not likely one of them.

Hilary Higgins

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ C-SPAN Recording