
Education in Peru still Faces Challenges

Since the release of the Report Card on Education in 2003, there were important changes in the economic and politic field. In the first case, Peru presented during the last years a sustained economic growth of around 5% and it slightly reduced extreme poverty. In the second case, el Acuerdo…

Informando el progreso educativo

PREAL dará un activo apoyo a los informes de progreso educativo regionales, nacionales y subnacionales durante el 2005. Mientras la Comisión Centroamericana para la Reforma Educativa de PREAL está afinando los términos de referencia de lo que será su tercer informe regional que se publicará a fines de año (ver…

Reports ˙

Report Card on Education- Peru

In Peru, it is generally known that a better quality education could build citizens, who are better prepared for the democracy and modern and flexible workers, who would help reduce poverty. However, over the last decade- as well during the previous one- many factors have prevented the improvement of the…

Reports ˙