

Will We See More Caravans?

As the Honduran migrant caravan reaches Tijuana seeking to cross the border to the United States, important political and humanitarian controversies have sprung around Central American caravans.

Manuel Orozco

Podcasts ˙ ˙ CSIS


Bolsonaro as ‘Tropical Trump’ and his impact on Brazil’s oil markets

Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in the Brazilian presidential election was widely seen as promising for the country’s oil sector, which has been revitalized by reforms that opened the upstream market under the Temer administration, but many questions remain unanswered as the January 1 inauguration approaches. Lisa Viscidi spoke with Meghan Gordon and Brian Scheid of the Capitol Crude podcast about the future of Petrobas and its subsidiaries, fuel subsidies, and deepwater exploration under Bolsonaro. 

Lisa Viscidi, Meghan Gordon, Brian Scheid

Interviews ˙ ˙ S&P Global Platts


Argentina’s Energy Sector Challenges

In an interview with Benjamin Gedan, director of the Wilson Center’s Argentina Project, Lisa Viscidi discusses the current conditions and outlook for three key components of the Argentine energy sector.

Lisa Viscidi, Benjamin Gedan

Interviews ˙ ˙ Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Crises in Venezuela & the Path Forward for Colombia

Host Ray Offenheiser and guest Michael Shifter, the president of Inter-American Dialogue, discuss the economic and political crises in Venezuela, as well as the upcoming elections and path forward for peace in Colombia.

Michael Shifter, Ray Offenheiser

Podcasts ˙ ˙ University of Notre Dame

CSIS Video

Oil and Politics in Latin America

In a conversation with CSIS, Lisa Viscidi explains the potential implications of this year’s elections in Latin America’s top oil producing countries. Political changes in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela will affect oil output, with effects felt both domestically and in the United States.

Lisa Viscidi, Richard Miles

Interviews ˙ ˙ Center for Strategic & International Studies

World Affairs Report Podcast

During a visit to Pittsburgh, Michael Shifter spoke with KQV News Radio and the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh for their weekly World Affairs Report. In a conversation with Angélica Ocampo, Shifter discussed regional progress in Latin America, US foreign policy, the crisis in Venezuela and the upcoming elections in Brazil and Mexico.

Michael Shifter, Angélica Ocampo

Interviews ˙ ˙ The World Affairs Report

Cara a Cara con Michael Shifter

En esta entrevista con Radio Nacional de España, Michael Shifter discutió temas de actualidad en América Latina y Estados Unidos. Shifter comentó sobre los primeros meses de Donald Trump a cargo de la presidencia, y habló sobre la difícil relación entre el presidente estadounidense y su partido político. El presidente del Diálogo Interamericano exploró también las opciones de Estados Unidos respecto a la situación en Venezuela, los esfuerzos de gobiernos en la región para combatir la corrupción y los retos a corto plazo que enfrentan los países de América Latina.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ RTVE

Can Anyone Save Venezuela?

An economic and humanitarian crisis, precipitated by the Maduro regime, has brought Venezuela to the brink of collapse.

Michael Camilleri, Juan Gonzalez, Ben Pauker

Interviews ˙ ˙ Foreign Policy