
Migration, Remittances and Development

This document offers an introduction to the migration dynamics in Guatemala and proposes an approach to leverage opportunities.

Manuel Orozco

Presentations ˙


Congressional Testimony: The Roots of Central America’s Exodus

CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY AS SUBMITTED FOR RECORD AND DELIVERED BEFORE A FULL COMMITTEE HEARING OF THE US SENATE COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS.  Over the past five years, slightly over 100,000 unaccompanied migrant children from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have been apprehended at the US southern border. They are but…

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Congressional Testimony ˙ ˙ US Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

Education: A Challenge of National Emergency

Despite recent progress made the education reform in Guatemala, especially starting in the 90s, our educational performance remains unsatisfactory. Even though the number of students assisting and finishing primary school has increased significantly in the last years, our children are still far from attaining the school level our constitution requires…

Reports ˙

Progreso educativo en Guatemala

En julio de 2002 se concluyó el informe de Progreso Educativo de Guatemala, promovido por la Comisión Internacional sobre Educación, Equidad y Competitividad Económica, de PREAL. La reducción del analfabetismo y de las inequidades educativas, el aumento de la cobertura, una mejor preparación de los docentes y la elevación de…

Reports ˙

Report Card on Education- Guatemala

In the last 10 years Guatemala has made great advances. The consolidation of the democratic system and the signing of the peace process have created a more favorable climate for education. However, there are still social and economic development problems. Guatemala is a country of young, multilingual and multicultural people.…

Reports ˙