
Afro Colombian childre Video

Public Policies for Afro-Descendant Communities in Colombia

Much remains to be done to protect and promote Afro-Descendant communities’ rights and development in Colombia, according to the panel discussion hosted by the Inter-American Dialogue, the Gender and Diversity Unit at the Inter-American Development Bank, and Phelps Stokes on May 20, 2011. Although Colombia has made steps in the right direction, current policies need to be reinforced. It was also suggested that Afro-Descendants work together across countries and communities to better envision a common purpose and to strengthen their political influence.

Mariellen Jewers

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Afro-Colombian Woman

CMWG: Members of Congress Discuss Challenges Facing Afro-Colombians

The Inter-American Dialogue’s Congressional Members Working Group met on September 17, 2008 to discuss the challenges facing Afro-Colombians. The discussion focused on the main challenges that Afro-Colombians face and how these could be addressed.

Megan Fletcher, Carolina Pozo

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A schoolboy in Florida (Valle), in Colombia

CMWG: Members of Congress Discuss Challenges Facing Afro-Descendants in Latin America

The Inter-American Dialogue’s Congressional Members Working Group met on April 9, 2008 to discuss challenges facing Afro-descendants in Latin America. The event featured Sir Clare Roberts of the Inter-American Commission, Dr. Marcelo Paixão of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Ambassador Antonio Patriota of Brazil. It was co-hosted by Representatives Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Jerry Weller (R-IL) and co-sponsored by the Inter-American Foundation.

Bryce Pardo

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Adolescent girls in Brazil

Business Development and Social Inclusion in Brazil

The Incubadora Afro Brasileira is an organization that challenges the deep-rooted problem of social and economic exclusion of African descendants by providing business training for African-descendant entrepreneurs in Brazil. Giovanni Harvey, founder and director of Incubadora, and program economist Dalton Franco led a discussion at the Inter-American Dialogue on October 19, 2007.

Sergio Guzmán

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Imágen de feminidad latinoamericana

Liderazgo y Participación Política para las Mujeres Afrodescendientes

Una de las realidades inminentes en América Latina es la escasa o nula representación política de grandes y mayoritarios sectores de la población, entre ellos los y las 150 millones de afrodescendientes que son una tercera parte de la población de la región.

Epsy Campbell Barr

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Etnicidad, Raza, Género y Educación en América Latina

Los trabajos que se presentan en este libro son el resultado de un notable esfuerzo de investigación sobre la forma en que el origen étnico de los niños, su raza y su género inciden en sus oportunidades educativas, las consecuencias que tiene su desigual acceso a las mismas y las…

Reports ˙

Photo of Mayan woman

To Address Inequality, Look Racism in the Face

Washington’s economic and political reform agenda isn’t wrong. It’s just too narrowly conceived. To work, it must address Latin America’s pernicious and pervasive inequality and racism.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Los Angeles Times

Report Cover

Afro-Descendants in Latin America: How Many?

The Inter-American Dialogue considers the social exclusion of Latin Americans of African descent to be one of the most pressing policy and development issues of the hemisphere. The objective of the Dialogue’s program on race is twofold.

Inter-American Dialogue

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