
Quality School Management Model in the Dominican Republic

In collaboration with the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL) a consortium of organizations including the Center for Research in Education and Human Development (CIEDHUMANO) of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUCMM), the Faculty for Latin American Social Sciences (FLACSO-DR), and Action for Basic Education (EDUCA) developed an initiative…

Reports ˙

Boletin 4: Formación en valores y habilidades para la vida: estrategias amplias para prevenir la violencia

Los programas escolares orientados al desarrollo de valores y de habilidades psicosociales han demostrado en algunas experiencias que pueden ser herramientas útiles para abordar problemas de violencia y otras situaciones que generan conflictos. Estos programas suelen caracterizarse por su enfoque amplio respecto a los factores que producen o disminuyen las incidencias de violencia, por contemplar estrategias en varios niveles (trabajo…

Reports ˙

Opciones educativas para la niñez trabajadora: República Dominicana

Entre el año 2000 y 2005 se han hecho diversos esfuerzos por conocer y dimensionar el problema del trabajo infantil en República Dominicana, entre los que se encuentra la Encuesta Nacional del Trabajo Infantil (ENTI) del año 2000, la Encuesta de Fuerza de Trabajo (ENFT) realizada en 2004 por el Banco Central de la República Dominicana y…

Reports ˙

Presidential candidates in 2024, left to right: Claudia Sheinbaum, Luis Abinader and Nayib Bukele.

Latin America’s Election Super-Cycle Will Turn on One Key Factor

In Latin America’s 2024 electoral super-cycle, voters seem likely to reward leaders who address their most fundamental needs—in some cases regardless of whether they value democracy, clean government or the rule of law.

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Americas Quarterly

remittances and covid-19 report cover

A Commitment to Family: Remittances and Covid-19

This report from the Migration, Remittances & Development Program presents the findings of a survey carried out with more than 1,000 US immigrants from eight Latin American and Caribbean nationalities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study identifies critical aspects that shaped migrants’ experiences in 2020 and early 2021, and, more importantly, the determinants of continuing to send money back home in times of crisis. 

Manuel Orozco, Kathryn Klaas

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Orozco in CNN Video

Orozco: “The Biden Administration proposal [must] approach the structural causes that have spurred migration not only in Central America”

Manuel Orozco, non-resident Senior Fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, joined CNN for an interview to discuss the ongoing migration phenomenon occurring in Mexico’s southern border. The interview touched upon some of the causes of migration, the countries where large numbers of migrants are coming from, and why this issue needs to be urgently dealt with.

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN

Panelists at the Latin American Energy Conference Video

Experts and officials discuss LAC energy policy

While 2021 has been a year of transition for the energy sector in Latin America, it has also been a year of instability in the region’s political conditions and social environment. Under this context, industry experts, government officials and corporate representatives convened virtually to discuss the challenges, opportunities and changes in Latin America’s energy markets at the Fifth Annual Latin America Energy Conference.

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Fifth Annual Latin America Energy Conference

Foto de Ortega y Murillo

La venganza de los autócratas es secuestrar la democracia

Los países miembros de la recién creada Alianza para el Desarrollo en Democracia tienen un compromiso político, moral y económico de rescatar la democracia del secuestro de los autócratas.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Nación