
Shale Development & the Environment: Policy Lessons for Latin America

As Latin American countries reassess their energy policies in light of lower oil prices, there is an opportunity to apply lessons learned from the US experience to enact regulations that mitigate environmental risks, strengthen public support, and attract investment.

Jed Bailey, Lisa Viscidi

Reports ˙

Nationalization & Its Discontents: Low Oil Prices & Latin America

As global oil prices collapsed over the last two years, regional governments have started to lose their leverage in the energy industry. To attract international investors, they must offer increasingly favorable terms, which means ceding more of their own control.

Lisa Viscidi

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs



Latin America Advisor ˙

Is Macri Trying to Do Too Much, Too Soon in Argentina?

Argentine President Mauricio Macri’s government started negotiations Jan. 13 with creditors to end the country’s protracted dispute over repaying bondholders, which stems from Argentina’s massive 2001 default.

Claudio Loser, Mario Rapoport, Julio Darío Burdman

Latin America Advisor ˙

Vientos nuevos desde el sur

La encuesta del GDA a líderes de opinión muestra que el 2015 marcó una nueva etapa para el continente americano e ilustra los temas que serán centrales en el año que comienza. Fue un año de avances en la resolución de conflictos históricos y de cambio político en muchos países.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Tiempo

The Death of Populism?

Latin America’s left has every reason to be worried by current trends. Its power and credibility have declined sharply in many countries.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ O Estado de São Paulo

Will Macri Be Able to Make Good on His Promises?

Is Macri’s victory as historic as his supporters suggest? What changes can we anticipate in the first months of his presidency?

Abraham Lowenthal, José Octavio Bordón, Claudio Loser, Mario Rapoport, Andrés Asiain

Latin America Advisor ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor


Prospects for a Post-Kirchner Argentina

The next administration’s agenda will be set with political and economic challenges that will test the endurance of Argentina’s democracy.

Felipe Franco Gutierrez

Event Summaries ˙

China’s Strategy in Brazil & the Southern Cone

What does China stand to gain from investing in Latin America’s energy projects? Where is China looking next in the region?

Lisa Viscidi, Margaret Myers, Chris Noon

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Interfax


Death of a Prosecutor

The circumstances surrounding the Nisman case have dealt a severe blow to confidence in the Kirchner government.

Murat Dagli

Event Summaries ˙

China and Latin America in 2014

China’s relations with Latin America are becoming increasingly routine. China is a critical partner for much of the region.

Peter Hakim, Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ China Policy Review