

The Crisis in Honduras: What Happened and What’s Next?

On December 19, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a discussion about the crisis in Honduras following the presidential elections. The debate featured Carlos Dada, founder of El Faro, Lisa Kubiske, former US Ambassador to Honduras and Juan Gonzalez, associate vice president at the Cohen Group.

Beryl Seiler

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Brazil’s Election and Latin America’s Volatile Politics

On February 27, the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Americas Quarterly (AQ) to host an event moderated by the Dialogue’s Michael Shifter with the participation of Brian Winter from AQ, Monica de Bolle from the Peterson Institute of International Economics, and Roberto Simon from FTI Consulting. This discussion drew from AQ’s January issue, Latin America First?, which explored underlying themes in the region’s election super-cycle. The speakers also addressed the political and economic circumstances facing Brazil’s presidential elections.

Martín Rodriguez Nuñez

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