Press Mentions

Although compulsory voting increases voter turnout, it also raises questions on democratic freedom. There is a certain discomfort on the obligatory part of it. It’s the worrying idea that you can fine someone for not participating in the democratic process, it feels regressive, a tax on people with fewer resources, or less ability to engage.
Submitting a blank or spoiled vote is an indicator in and of itself, especially in polarizing elections. Not voting at all doesn’t capture that in the same way – it’s easy to dismiss not voting as apathy, whereas [a blank or spoiled vote] is a clear sign of voter discontent against the system.
El silencio es ensordecedor: el único comunicado de la OEA ha sido condenar 'la violencia que ha causado las muertes', sin referirse a la represión o a la fuerza injustificada del Gobierno [en Nicaragua].
É pouco provável que haja resultados tangíveis sobre a Venezuela. Mas não é só isso que importa. A reunião é uma oportunidade importante para continuar a construir consensos e estratégias de bastidores. O ambiente é realista e ciente dos inúmeros desafios e complicadas dinâmicas políticas.
É mau Trump estar a faltar. Mas tal não significa que a ida de Trump também não fosse provavelmente má, talvez até pior. Pelo menos, a sua cadeira vazia deixa a impressão que o problema é Trump, não os EUA como um todo. A ausência revela que a atual Administração é uma aberração na política externa norte-americana e não necessariamente uma realidade nova e duradoura.
A ausência de Trump é, sem sombra de dúvida, uma desfeita e um insulto. Mais, é emblemática da abdicação a longo prazo da tradicional posição dos EUA de liderança e compromisso no hemisfério por parte da Administração Trump.
A vote to suspend Venezuela from the OAS would force accountability, bringing in other observers and other actors from around the region. Suspension wouldn't bring measures such as economic sanctions. The real power is in the isolation. It's in the strong statement that a large majority of countries around the hemisphere are condemning Venezuela and are committing their democratic pressure to a shared goal. … This is a powerful diplomatic tool.
Normalmente, cada partido tiene un grupo de expertos esperando para que cuando ganan la Casa Blanca ocupen los puestos abiertos. Pero muchos de esas figuras conservadoras no tienen una buena relación con Trump y no quieren tener nada que ver con él.
If relations sour between the U.S. and Mexico, that could put at risk counter-terrorist efforts, counter-narcotics, arms trafficking and other security issues. U.S. policies should work to support citizen security in Latin America, not undermine it because that is in the interests of everyone in the region.
[Ecuador] has become much more interested in trade and investment with the US, so we’ve seen a muting of anti-imperialist, anti-American rhetoric... When it comes down to it, politics and symbolism matter less than hard dollars.
 Congress's attempts to sanction Venezuela are counterproductive because they play into Venezuela’s accusations that the United States is waging an economic war against Venezuela which leads the government to entrench further.
[Havana], for all its charm, is visibly in need of a face lift. Buildings, streets, landmarks, and infrastructure are crumbling badly. In particular, the Latinoamericano Stadium—which will play host to the exhibition game that the President will attend on March 22—has been the focus of intense restoration work (in large part funded by Major League Baseball).
The credit for this victory in Venezuela goes not to any individuals, but instead to the overwhelming sense of unity on the part of the opposition. Above all, it was their ability to maintain a united front—without necessarily following key leaders—that won the day.