Sussana Urbano Hanson

Panama |  Senior Education in Emergencies Adviser for Latin America and the Caribbean, Save the Children


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Sussana Urbano Hanson is Save the Children’s senior education in emergencies adviser for Latin America and the Caribbean and co-leader of the regional education group for Latin America and the Caribbean for RedLAC and Refugees and Migrants of Venezuela (R4V).

Hanson has 25 years of experience in disaster risk and crisis management with an emphasis in the education sector, collaborating with different local and national governments in the region, international humanitarian organizations such as Mercy Corps, World Vision and RET International, and the United Nations system such as UNDP, PAHO/WHO, UNDDR, and UNICEF. Hanson has served on the regional advisory body of the Global Network of Civil Society for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) and is a member of the Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).

Hanson is an architect and holds a master’s degree in environmental management with specializations in human rights, sustainable development, and public policies for disaster prevention and international refugee law.

Hanson was an event speaker at the Dialogue.