
Lecciones de los sistemas educativos con alto desempeño en PISA

Inevitablemente, los países quieren saber cómo se están desempeñando sus sistemas educativos en relación a otros y, si otros se están destacando, quieren saber cómo lo están logrando. Ese es el ejercicio que se hace en el libro “Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: lessons from PISA for the…

Reports ˙

Internatioanl Assessments in Latin America

In recent years, various international and regional organizations have recommended that Latin American countries participate in international academic assessments. This suggestion is based on the argument that the performance results are very useful to inform countries about the quality of their education systems, and consequently about their competitiveness in global…

Guillermo Ferrer, Patricia Arregui,

Reports ˙