Mercedes De Freitas

Venezuela |  Founder and Executive Director, Transparencia Venezuela


Mercedes De Freitas serves as the founder and executive director of Transparencia Venezuela. From 2014 to 2017, she was a member of the Board of Directors of Transparency International.

De Freitas has been the director of Cívitas Venezuela since 2005, the founder and director of Vendata since 2016, an executive member of Taskforce Corruption Venezuela since 2020, and a member of the Coordinating Council of the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (REDLAD) since 2023.

She has spearheaded several initiatives including the online training platform focusing on transparency, justice, integrity, and anti-corruption issues, the news and discourse verification platform, and the national movement Coalición Anticorrupción. In 2019, she was honored with the Annual Anti-Corruption Leader Award from the Americas Society/Council of the Americas.

De Freitas holds a degree in history from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and an specialization degree in Management and Organizational Development from the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA). She also completed a program in Effective Management of Non-Governmental Organizations at Queensland University in Brisbane, Australia.

De Freitas was an event speaker at the Dialogue.

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