Democratic Governance

In recent years, the state of democratic governance in Latin America has been decidedly mixed. Discussion has turned away from elections and the leftward swings in several countries. Electoral contests are increasingly a matter of routine, and ideology has become notably less salient. The debate now centers on how leaders and institutions confront the complicated tasks of managing their economic and social affairs while representing heterogeneous societies with heightened demands and expectations.

The Inter-American Dialogue closely monitors the state of democratic governance and the rule of law in the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Our analysis, reports, and exchanges serve to encourage compliance with regional and international democratic commitments. In recent years, the Dialogue has placed emphasis on elections, press freedom, public opinion within Latin America’s growing middle class, and the implications of political shifts.

Analysis See all

Photo of Buildings

Estado de Derecho: una agenda proactiva para el sector privado

Es habitual que el sector privado exija reglas de juego claras y seguridad jurídica para operar. Es menos común que líderes empresariales hablen de democracia y derechos humanos. Se actúa como si lo primero pudiese existir sin lo segundo. Puede, pero en sociedades muy diferentes a las que queremos vivir.

Press Mentions See all

The regime is going to try to use González's departure to demoralize and divide the opposition. It is up to the opposition to stay united and focus on the uncontested facts: the regime has not backed up its allegations of electoral victory, and it is escalating the repression.
Everything they are doing is a demonstration of weakness, not strength, but right now time plays in favor of Maduro. The international community has to urgently activate to elevate the cost of this path and show them the costs of their actions.