Symposia Series: Anticorruption, Transparency and Integrity in the Americas

Between February and May 2019, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program and the Inter-American Development Bank hosted a series of events focused on addressing issues of corruption in the Americas. The Symposia Series on “Anticorruption, Transparency and Integrity in the Americas” convened preeminent regional experts and policymakers to identify lessons learned from recent corruption cases, analyze continued challenges, and outline the agenda for future reform.


Corruption is a longstanding challenge in the Americas, hampering development, undermining citizens’ trust in their governments, and even, in some of the most egregious cases, costing lives. High-profile grand corruption scandals in recent years prompted heightened citizen demands for transparency and accountability. In at least some cases, judicial and political systems began to respond to these demands, and in several countries citizens elected presidents on the promise that they would root out graft. Against this backdrop, the Symposia Series took stock of regional developments and prospects by focusing on three critical themes: corruption prosecutions in comparative perspective; political finance and state capture; and the anticorruption mandates of new governments in Latin America.   


Anticorruption, Transparency and Integrity in the Americas

Dec 2019 Conference Summary and Conclusions

A report summarizing the salient comments and conclusions from the Symposia Series events and speaker presentations. 

Read in English | Lea en español  



(1) Corruption Prosecutions in the Americas: A Comparative Analysis







The Inter-American Dialogue 

Feb 5, 2019

Event Page

Event Video






Speaker Presentations

The Fight Against Corruption in Guatemala (Claudia Paz y Paz) EngSpa

Analyzing Lava Jato – Country Comparisons (José Ugaz) EngSpa

The Role of the FCPA in Corruption Prosecutions (Kevin Gingras) EngSpa

Investigations of Grand Cases of Corruption in the Americas – Successes and Setbacks (Rodrigo Janot) EngSpaPor


(2) Political Finance and State Capture in the Americas







The Inter-American Dialogue 

Mar 5, 2019

Event Page

Event Video






Speaker Presentations

Political Finance Regulation in Latin America – Which Way Now? (Kevin Casas-Zamora) EngSpa

Money and Politics: Recent Reforms in Chile (Eduardo Engel) EngSpa

Political Finance, Corruption and State Capture in the Americas: A Panorama (Delia Ferreira Rubio) EngSpa

State Capture and Political Finance in the United States (Ann Ravel) EngSpa


(3) Mandates for Change: Anticorruption and Latin America’s New Leaders




The Inter-American Dialogue 

May 23, 2019

Event Page

Event Video 


Speaker Presentations

Paraguay’s Anticorruption Agenda Under Mario Abdel Benítez (Benigno López) EngSpa 

Brazil’s Anticorruption Agenda Under Jair Bolsonaro (Wagner de Campos Rosário) EngSpa

El Salvador’s Anticorruption Agenda Under Nayib Bukele (Félix Ulloa) EngSpa