Press Mentions

Lo que une a los gobiernos de ‘izquierda’ es menos de lo que los divide, no solo en cuestiones sustantivas y propuestas políticas, sino en el estilo de liderazgo y el compromiso con la política democrática
It's clear the Biden administration wasn't sensitive to how [the leaders of Mexico, El Salvador, etc.] were feeling. You can be tough on corruption, but there's a tradeoff, and you shouldn't expect others to play along just because there's a phone call from the White House. That's the reality that the Biden team doesn't really grasp.
Es notable y vergonzoso para la administración Biden que los presidentes de los países decidieran saltarse la Cumbre de las Américas organizada por Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, quizás no deberíá ser tan sorprendente. En diciembre pasado, Estados Unidos no invitó a ninguno de los líderes del Triángulo Norte a participar en la cumbre mundial [de la democracia].
There are certainly some very crucial issues the region needs to address together. But it’s hard to see how a summit formula based on unity that existed a couple of decades ago is the answer for tackling those issues when the region is so disappointingly fragmented.
I welcome the vice president’s focus on gender-based violence and female migrants, something that was missing from past administrations. I'm also hopeful that Harris’ familial ties to Jamaica — her immigrant father’s birthplace — could help her connect to leaders in the Caribbean who are overlooked even in Latin America policy circles.
Hubo una fiesta en América Latina en la primera década de este siglo. Esa fiesta se acabó en 2013 y desde ese momento las economías han estado estancadas, la bonanza se acabó, las sociedades están frustradas. No hay recursos para atender las demandas de las clases medias.
La polarización no es nueva, el populismo tampoco. Pero sí ha vuelto con fuerza porque hay oferta. Los gobiernos de derecha y los de izquierda no han podido resolver los problemas de la ciudadanía. La gente busca otra opción.
The absence of the president [of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala respectively] signifies that they are not prepared to be held accountable as to why people are migrating.
La disminución de la influencia de Estados Unidos en América Latina es un subproducto de la polarización tóxica [tanto aquí como en el sur]. No hemos tenido el liderazgo para mostrar por qué la democracia es importante. La política y la democracia no se hablan.
There are efforts to try to increase and incentivize US investment in Latin America and the Caribbean now. The problem is that a lot of these initiatives are private-sector-led, and in a moment in time when the investment environments aren’t necessarily improving in Latin America, it’s very difficult to generate that interest.
[Chinese military basing in Latin America is still] rather hypothetical, but there’s a sense that based on the sorts of investments that we see in areas of strategic interest to the US and some of the investments that we see in ports with potential dual-use capacity that things are headed in that direction.