Press Mentions

Most companies are aware of all the problems with the policies [favoring the state-owned Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) over private sector renewable energy] and are not going to take the risk of building a new plant in Mexico.
The United States wanted to use the summit to get countries to make more ambitious [climate] pledges. The United States itself made a very ambitious pledge. Some of the other Latin American countries did too, but Mexico did not propose anything serious.
"The [Mexican] president’s goal is to 'return their monopolies' by bringing the energy sector under state control — even if that means promoting dirtier fossil fuels and contributing more carbon emissions."
Há uma percepção de que os cortes no orçamento para agências ambientais no Brasil, o relaxamento da fiscalização ambiental e a retórica constante de Bolsonaro contra os ambientalistas deram às pessoas luz verde para derrubar florestas ilegalmente sem consequências. O Brasil deve fazer melhorias em áreas como essas para mostrar que leva a sério a proteção da Amazônia.
I don’t think there would be a sudden flight of shale investment to Argentina [if Biden restricted new licenses on US federal lands]. The issue [for Vaca Muerta] is more whether Argentina can address its own bottlenecks in investment like price controls, restrictions on the repatriation of profits, and the general lack of uncertainty about future energy and economic policies.
Hay un reto [a la formulación de proyectos relacionados con el cambio climático por parte de gobiernos subnacionales colombianos] de capacidad técnica limitada. Es complejo diseñar e implementar proyectos relacionados con cambio climático, pues requieren nuevas tecnologías o formas de atraer inversión privada.
[Los proyectos relacionados con el cambio climático] representan solo alrededor de 0,75 por ciento de casi 18.000 proyectos [financiados con las regalías colombianas] aprobados en total [desde 2012] y el 0,9 por ciento de más de US$15.000 millones de inversiones.
While it’s too soon to say if the new administration will apply penalties to Brazil [for Amazon deforestation], there are a range of trade levers the US could pull...It can [also] say to Brazil that there are ways you can have economic development and conserve the forest at the same time, and we will support you.
[Brazil’s natural gas law] is expected to lead to more efficient use of existing infrastructure, lower natural prices for end-users and growth in natural gas demand in Brazil.