Escola Plus e a programação audiovisual como ferramenta educativa: Lições aprendidas
Neste relatório, apresentamos os resultados de um estudo realizado pelo Diálogo Interamericano sobre a experiência do Escola Plus.
United States |  Program Manager, Education, Inter-American Dialogue
+1-202-822-9002 ˙ ˙
Sarah Stanton joined the Inter-American Dialogue in 2017 and is currently Program Manager in the Education Program. Before coming to the Dialogue, she worked with the Education Sector of UNESCO-Brazil to conduct an analysis of state-level teacher policies. She has also worked as a Program Administrator with Bilingual Education for Central America (BECA) in Honduras and taught English to grades 7-10 in the United States and Honduras. She graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown University, where she received her BA in Government and Spanish, and completed an M.S.Ed. in International Educational Development at the University of Pennsylvania.
Neste relatório, apresentamos os resultados de um estudo realizado pelo Diálogo Interamericano sobre a experiência do Escola Plus.
In this report, the Inter-American Dialogue presents the results of its study on the Escuela Plus program experience and the role of satellite television in educational practices.
The study English for Employment in Mexico: Realities and Challenges contributes to the discussions and advances on the subject. Its recommendations translate the findings of the entire study into possible mutually complementary paths, which could be implemented from different fields and scenarios.
How to increase productivity and competitiveness in a complex and changing environment? Mariano Jabonero, Secretary General of the OEI, presents the findings of their latest report “Higher Education, Productivity and Competitiveness in Ibero-America” and answers our questions.
The Inter-American Dialogue and Teach For All present a brief analysis of the impact that the pandemic has had in the educational systems of the region, based on information provided educational stakeholders representing the public and private sectors.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), presidente de México, anunció a finales de abril que dirigió un memorándum presidencial a sus secretarios de Gobernación, Educación Pública y de Hacienda en el que ordenaba cancelar la reforma educativa aprobada por su predecesor hace seis años. Aunque la revocación de la reforma educativa…
English is a valuable skill in the job market and a lingua franca in many places and sectors. Given this reality, countries in Latin America will need to develop policies and programs that equip students with language proficiency, and the reality is that they will need to rely on NNESTs to do that.
In Latin America, qualified teaching staff remains one of the reasons that strong legal frameworks there have not yet translated into strong implementation.