Naomi Roht-Arriaza

United States |  Distinguished Professor, University of California, Hastings College of Law


Naomi Roht-Arriaza is an American attorney and Distinguished Professor at UC Hastings College of Law, renowned at a global level for her expertise in transitional justice, international human rights law and international humanitarian law as well as her extensive knowledge of and experience in post-conflict procedures in Latin America and Africa.

Throughout her lengthy career, Roht-Arrianza has contributed to the defense of human rights through legal and social counseling, her position as academic chair as well as her published academic works. Some of her noted publications include Impunidad y Derechos Humanos en el Derecho y la Práctica Internacional (1995), El Efecto Pinochet: Justicia Transnacional en la Era de los Derechos Humanos (2005), Justicia Transicional en el Siglo Vigésimo Primero: Más Allá de Verdad versus Justicia (co-editor) (2006) and El Sistema Legal Internacional: Casos y Pruebas (co-autor with Mary Ellen O’Connell and Dick Scott) (2009).

Roth-Arriaza was an event speaker at the Dialogue.

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