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Javier A. Curcio is an international consultant and researcher at IIEP-BAIRES (UBA-CONICET). He previously worked as an official for UNICEF, specializing in Social Investment between 2004 and 2008 and is a consultant for international organizations such as UNICEF, CEPAL, UNAIDS, UNPD, UNESCO, the World Bank and BID among others.
Currently, he is the director of the Economics Department at FCE-UBA, adjunct professor of Public Finance at FCE-UBA and researcher at IIEP BAIRES – UBA CONICET. Additionally, he teaches for a variety of Masters programs including the Masters of Economics at UBA, Masters of Administration and Public Policy at the Universidad de San Andrés and the Masters in Design and Management of Policy and Social Programs at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLASCO) among other programs.
He previously was also an advisor for the Secretary of Finance, Secretary of Economic Policy and the Ministries of Education, Science and Technology of Argentina. He is the author of numerous works on public policy, social investment, economics of education and protection and social security.
Curcio has a degree in economics from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) with a concentration in the monitoring and evaluation of public policy, economic social policy and fiscal policy.
Curcio was an event speaker at The Dialogue.