Beatrice Ávalos

Chile |  Professor, Universidad de Chile


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Beatrice Ávalos is a professor and education researcher at Universidad de Chile, where she leads studies on teachers and their training. Between 2008 and 2010, she directed the Millennium Nucleus: The Teaching Profession in Chile, and between 2007-2010, she applied in Chile for the international study on teacher training IEA TEDS-M. Ávalos is a member of the international editorial boards of the International Journal of Education Development, Teaching and Teacher Education, and the Compare College of Reviewers. She was previously a professor at the Universidad Católica de Chile, Cardiff, Gales, and Papua New Guinea. Among her publications stands out “Heroes or Villains: The Teaching Profession in Chile” and (with Leonora Reyes) “Historical Development of Teacher Education in Chile. Facts, Policies, and Issues.” 

Ávalos is a Ph.D. in education from Saint Louis University, and a National Prize for Educational Sciences 2013, Chile. 

Ávalos was an event speaker at the Dialogue.

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