Untangling the Future of NAFTA
Along with substantial political uncertainty about the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), there is also widespread confusion about the various options and scenarios for reform within the complicated architecture of the multilateral trading system. Many of the possible outcomes would have grave implications—not only for the economies of Mexico, the US, and Canada, but also for other major trading partners.
The Dialogue is pleased to present this open discussion on the future of NAFTA and the global impacts of its potential reform or repeal.
Read Uri Dadush’s new working paper, “NAFTA in Play: How President Trump could reshape trade in North America.”
Follow this event on Twitter at #UntanglingNAFTA and @The_Dialogue.
Uri Dadush
Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center; Non-Resident Fellow, Bruegel
Santiago Levy
Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Inter-American Development Bank
Peter Hakim
Senior Fellow and President Emeritus, Inter-American Dialogue
Uri Dadush previously served as president CEO of the Economist Intelligence Unit and director of international trade, director of the world economy group, and director of economic policy at the World Bank. Santiago Levy is a Mexican economist who previously served as general director of the Mexican Social Security Institute and Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Credit.