Early Childhood Development

Regional Agenda for Early Childhood Development

Why Early Childhood Development?

Early childhood is the most important stage of development, as this period is especially crucial for physical, intellectual and social-emotional development. However, many children living in poverty or vulnerable contexts do not receive the nourishment, care and stimulation they need to grow and develop to their fullest potential. These gaps are at the core of the difficulties facing the region in generating sustainable and equitable development.

What is the Regional Agenda for Early Childhood Development?

In collaboration with other multilateral and civil society organizations, the Dialogue has created a regional community of practice to advocate for more effective early childhood development policies in the region.

Together, the group developed the Regional Agenda for Early Childhood Development. It is a policy declaration that aims to guide country’s efforts to strengthen their ECD policies as well as promote regional accountability for high-quality ECD policies and programs.

Read our brochure here.

The Regional Agenda was signed by 22 members of the public and private sectors, civil society and academia in a regional conference held in November, 2017 in Bogota, Colombia.

Our mission is to monitor progress towards the achievement of the Agenda’s goals in different countries, and use the Agenda to promote greater and better investments in ECD.

Read more about the Agenda here.

What are the Agenda’s Goals?

Click the buttons below for more resources on the goals

How do we promote the Early Childhood Development agenda?


REMDI (for its acronym in Spanish) is a regional network of specialists that seeks to promote and facilitate current and future surveying and measuring efforts so that all Latin American and Caribbean countries have clear, technically sound mechanisms for evaluating childhood development at the national level.

Somos Crianza is a Latin American Coalition of Early Childhood Networks, whose purpose is to make early childhood a priority in the region through the construction of better policies for child well-being in all countries. the networks that make up the Somos Crianza coalition are from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. Somos Crianza was created in 2023.

Country Progress Reports

In order to measure progress towards the fulfillment of the agenda’s four prioritized goals, each country produces national early childhood country progress reports. The objective is to highlight progress and challenges in early childhood policies, as well as opportunities for improvement. Subsequently, the Inter-American Dialogue prepares a regional report in which it draws out common patterns across countries and identifies possibilities for regional exchange and collaboration.


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