All blogs tagged with Remmitances

Remittances, Financial Education and Economic Development in Guatemala

Keshia Madrigal ˙ ˙

This is a story of success of the Opportunities for My Community Project, which links remittances, education and savings to promote economic and human development in Guatemala. For the many Guatemalan families that receive remittances, the extra money coming in helps increase disposable income and makes it easier to save money.…Read more +

Remittances for Development: Engaging the Diaspora with Social Projects in Guatemala

Paulina Ortega ˙ ˙

This is a story of success of the Opportunities for My Community Project, which links remittances, education and savings to promote economic and human development in Guatemala. Family remittances have great potential to reduce poverty and foster development.[1] For Guatemalans, remittances are an important source of income. With more than one…Read more +

Engaging the Private Sector in Guatemala’s Development

Keshia Madrigal ˙ ˙

This is a story of success of the Opportunities for My Community Project, which links remittances, education and savings to promote economic and human development in Guatemala. In Guatemala, remittances are an important source of income. In fact, the total stock of remittances reached $USD 8.192 billion in 2017, which…Read more +