El Perú ha logrado salir airoso de otras duras pruebas en el pasado y no hay razón alguna que permita anticipar que esto no vuelva ocurrir. Las elecciones del próximo año serán clave para determinar el futuro de millones de ciudadanos peruanos y se logre impulsar una agenda que revierta el deterioro social del país y lo haga menos vulnerable a los shocks que a futuro se tendrán que enfrentar.Read more +
The Latin America Advisor interviewed Gabrielle Trebat, managing director for Brazil & the Southern Cone at McLarty Associates, to talk about the latest political developments in Brazil and scandals surrounding President Jair Bolsonaro.Read more +
The Latin America Advisor sat down with Devry Boughner Vorwerk, CEO of DevryBV Sustainable Strategies, to talk about food insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean amid the coronavirus pandemic.Read more +
The latest Latin America Advisor video with Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, assistant director at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), on the Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean.Read more +
The Latin America Advisor interviewed Shelly Shetty, co-head of Americas sovereign ratings at Fitch Ratings, about the coronavirus outbreak and global trade, and their impact on Latin America and Caribbean economies.Read more +