The Future of China-Venezuela Relations
China has became a critical economic partner for Venezuela over the past decade.
The Inter-American Dialogue (IAD) and Boston University’s Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI) began working together in 2011 to address a lack of publicly available information on Chinese finance in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). In 2012, IAD published a report by GEGI researchers entitled “The New Banks in Town: Chinese Finance in Latin America,” which examined Chinese bank financing in LAC since 2005, including in-depth analysis of the terms and conditions associated with Chinese loans.
IAD and GEGI later transformed the “New Banks” findings into an online, interactive database for use by policymakers, journalists, academics and the general public. Since it was first developed, the China-Latin America Finance Database has been the only publicly available and regularly updated source of empirical data on Chinese finance in LAC. The database now features $119 billion in Chinese loan commitments to the region since 2005.
China has became a critical economic partner for Venezuela over the past decade.
Protests in Brazil are currently the focus of discussion and debate within Chinese government institutions.
Since 2005, China has provided upwards of $87 billion in loan commitments to Latin American countries.