Online dialogue on education

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Two initiatives by Harvard University and the New York Times aim to spark a public discussion on education reform through open, internet-based dialogue.

The Advanced Leadership Initiative at Harvard University has created an open, online dialogue leading up to their annual “Think Tank” conference that took place last week to solicit outside perspectives on “Leveraging Technology to Enhance the Relevancy and Quality of Education.” They have posted 13 “think pieces” online in order to generate discussion on topics ranging from using technology to educate marginalized populations to harnessing the power of computer gaming in teaching.

The New York Times has added “How to Raise the Status of Teachers” to its Room for Debate online feature, which presents nine opinion pieces by education policy professionals and public school educators alike. The debate has generated substantial comment from the public.

To read the New York Times online debate on raising the status of teachers click here

To read more about the Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative click here

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