To Guide or Not To Guide Technology Use
Have investments in technology for Latin American public schools produced the expected results on student learning?
The latest edition of our Education Synopsis series summarizes Fundación País Digital’s recommendations for incorporating digital technology into education.
Fundación País Digital ( undertook various initiatives from 2005 to 2009 to integrate digital technologies into Chilean education, and synthesized these experiences in a book published in March 2010 aimed at supporting schools and other educational actors. The project concluded with “Seven Keys for Incorporating Digital Technology in Education,” featured in the latest edition of PREAL’s Education Synopsis series.
The Education Synopsis is available for download here. (Spanish only)
Have investments in technology for Latin American public schools produced the expected results on student learning?
Conference on technology in Latin American schools – takeaways to maximize the use of technology to improve learning.
Mexico’s government this month approved supporting secondary legislation that will provide additional direction for the country’s energy reforms.