
Why Have Argentina and the U.S. Teamed Up on Tax Evasion?

The United States will expedite the process of sharing tax information with Argentina in an effort to combat money laundering and address tax evasion through increased information sharing, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced last month during a trip to Buenos Aires. Argentines are estimated to hold some $500 billion…

Claudio Loser, Miguel Kiguel, Eduardo Amadeo

Latin America Advisor ˙

Migración, Pobreza y Remesas en Nicaragua

La migración en Nicaragua representa más del 10% del PIB y mantiene a más de 500,000 hogares fuera de la pobreza, pero sigue siendo ignorada por el gobierno y el sector privado

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Prioridades para la próxima administración de EE.UU.

Independientemente de quién gane, es casi seguro que América Latina no será una prioridad para Estados Unidos. EE.UU. no se enfrenta a amenazas urgentes o desafíos en la región, ni está ante unas oportunidades especiales. Ni a los EE.UU. le interesa la integración regional. La propia región permanecerá dividida en muchos aspectos y la política de EE.UU. se centrará principalmente en las relaciones bilaterales.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam

¿Qué significaría el final del TPP para América Latina?

El presidente electo estadounidense, Donald Trump, dijo el 21 de noviembre que en su primer día como presidente emitirá un aviso de su intención de retirar a EE.UU. del Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica (conocido como TPP por sus siglas en inglés). ¿Continuarán en el tratado el resto de países signatarios?

Nicolás Mariscal

Latin America Advisor ˙

Obama & Latin America

For Obama it is important to overcome the US’s longstanding paternalism and instead pursue relations among equals.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Tercera

The US-Brazil Relationship through the Crisis

Brazil remains an important ally for the US and both countries would benefit from a cooperative approach towards solving the crisis and achieving political stability.

David Alzate

Event Summaries ˙

Evo’s Journey

With Morales’ approval rating at 75%, it is likely that voters will re-elect him for a third consecutive term

Marielle Coutrix

Event Summaries ˙

Would Budget Cuts Hurt U.S. Interests in Latin America?

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly wants to slash funding to the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development by 37 percent, while also pouring an additional $54 billion into the country’s defense budget. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers quickly criticized the cuts, however, saying they would hobble U.S. influence in the world. What would such cuts, and increased defense spending, mean for the United States’ role in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Latin America Advisor ˙

Untangling the Future of NAFTA

On March 6th, The Dialogue hosted an open discussion on the future of NAFTA and the global impacts of its potential reform or repeal. Along with substantial political uncertainty about the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), there is also widespread confusion about the various options and scenarios for reform within the complicated architecture of the multilateral trading system. Many of the possible outcomes would have grave implications—not only for the economies of Mexico, the US, and Canada, but also for other major trading partners.

Danielle Edmonds

Event Summaries ˙