
Politicas docentes en Centroamérica. Tendencias nacionales. Panamá

Este informe fue preparado por Noemí Castillo en el marco de las actividades del Capitulo Centroamérica y República Dominicana del GTD/PREAL y debatido en el taller organizado por el Proyecto Estratégico Regional de Docentes de la Unesco/ OREALC. En él se resume una serie de foros, diagnósticos y recomendaciones sobre…

Noemi Castillo

Reports ˙

Panama’s Political Outlook

Since 1989, no political party in Panama has been able to retain the Presidency for more than one term.

Peter Demers

Event Summaries ˙

The Colombia & Panama Free Trade Deals

The US is becoming more and more focused on its own problems, while increasingly middle class, globalized Latin American nations are finding new partners.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam

Competencies for Strengthening Leadership and Management in Panamanian Schools

In collaboration with the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL), the Private Sector Council for Educational Assistance (CoSPAE) initiated the “Competencies for Strengthening Leadership and Management in Panamanian Schools” project to improve the quality of basic education by establishing a policy for the professionalization of school principals and…

Reports ˙

The Challenge Is to Move Forward- Panama

Panama is currently transforming its education system. Although many of our education indicators are the best in Central America, there are still inequalities in school access and quality, as a still low enrollment in preschool, secondary and higher education. This situation affects adversely the productive force of the country. Without…

Consejo del Sector Pirvado para la Asistencia Educacional

Reports ˙

Informe de Progreso Educativo de Panamá, 2001

Como parte de la iniciativa de la Comisión Internacional sobre Educación, Equidad y Competitividad Económica en América Latina (de PREAL) de publicar en forma periódica un informe sobre los avances en el área de educación en la región, se difunden aquí algunos de los contenidos centrales del documento correspondiente a…

Reports ˙