In an interview with Esta Semana and Confidencial, Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with Carlos F. Chamorro about the future of the remittance trends, migration from Nicaragua, the Nicaraguan economy, and the future of the Ortega regime.
Despite receiving a minority of political support, the balance of power is in favor of the regime who dominates the repressive apparatus and possesses economic resources to maintain control and seek a dynastic succession. The magnitude of repression, as well as the noise of various international conflicts, render international mobilization difficult. However, the international community must confer greater importance to the Nicaraguan crisis in the global agenda.
En el podcast En el fin del mundo, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, la directora del Programa sobre Estado de Derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, habló sobre alertas tempranas del declive democrático en América Latina, el rol del sector privado, la política del gobierno de Estados Unidos hacia la región, migración, transición democrática en Venezuela, el modelo de seguridad de Bukele, la influencia de China y más.
Directora del Programa sobre Estado de Derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, conversó sobre la situación regional con antes de su intervención en un seminario en Casa América en Madrid sobre el estado de la democracia en el continente.
Earlier this year, tens of thousands of Mexicans took to the streets to protest newly enacted legislation gutting the country’s highly-regarded National Electoral Institute (INE) in advance of state elections this year and presidential elections in 2024.
For more than 15 years, the United States has been imposing a wide variety of economic sanctions against Venezuela, claiming the South American country has aided in drug trafficking, sponsored terrorism, and committed human rights abuses. Tamara Taraciuk Broner, Director of Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program at the Inter-American Dialogue spoke with Al Jazeera about this important issue.
The purpose of this memo is to note the existence of partial violations to the Central America and Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement with the United States known as CAFTA-DR.
Como parte de su política represiva, Daniel Ortega también ha violado derechos laborales, ambientales y empresariales, que están tutelados por el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, y como resultado ha expuesto al régimen a la demanda de cómo ejercer una presión internacional más efectiva.
El 28 de abril, Manuel Orozco, director del Programa de Migración, Remesas y Desarrollo del Diálogo Interamericano conversó con CNN sobre los flujos actuales de migración en la región y la política migratoria de los EEUU frente a ellos.
Paula Lugones, corresponsal en Washington del diario Clarín, escribió sobre el evento celebrado el dia miércoles 3 de mayo en el Diálogo Interamericano con los Embajadores Marc Stanley y Jorge Argüello.
On March 24, 2023, Inter-American Dialogue member and former Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was sworn in by US Vice President Kamala Harris as the new US Ambassador to India.
Rebecca Bill Chavez, Presidenta y CEO del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con La Tercera sobre el actual panorama de la región, la crisis migratoria, inestabilidad política y seguridad en América Latina.
Criminality is ubiquitous in Haitian officialdom. In fact, Haitian politics and government at all levels have become so enmeshed in and dependent on graft, gunrunning, drug smuggling, and gang violence that it is nearly impossible to disentangle them.
The Biden administration’s new border enforcement actions may reduce some but not all migration from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The measure may have the unintended result of marketing migration to those whose intention to do so was not as strong. This report recommends three differentiated steps the US should consider, including leveraging sanctions, working with the diaspora, and OAS engagement.
As three long-term observers of the country, we argue that a more assertive international response is needed and offer the following road map to help Haiti reset.