

A Conversation with Sergio Fajardo

On May 24th, the Inter-American Dialogue invited Sergio Fajardo, former governor of Antioquia and mayor of Medellín, to discuss his perspective on Colombia’s current political climate and future challenges. The event focused on long-standing issues, including the peace process and citizen security, and new challenges facing Colombia in the context of the upcoming 2018 presidential elections.

Andrea Clark

Event Summaries ˙

English Language Learning in Latin America

English proficiency is a critical tool for competitiveness in the global economy. How can governments implement effective English language learning policies and programs?

Ariel Fiszbein, Kathryn Cronquist


La enseñanza del inglés en Argentina

Ariel Fiszbein del Diálogo Interamericano habla sobre los retos que enfrentan los programas de enseñanza de idioma inglés en América Latina.

Ariel Fiszbein

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24, La Nación, Clarín

La enseñanza del inglés en México

Ariel Fiszbein del Diálogo Interamericano habla sobre los retos que enfrentan los programas de enseñanza de idioma inglés en México.

Ariel Fiszbein

Interviews ˙

Peace in Colombia’s Countryside? First, Turn On the Lights.

The less than 3 percent of Colombia’s population that lacks electricity lives mainly in areas of the country that have long been controlled by the FARC and other armed groups, such as Chocó in the Pacific, La Guajira on the Caribbean coast, and Putumayo in the Amazon. Not coincidentally, Colombians without access to electricity also have higher rates of poverty, fewer basic public services, and lower education levels than the rest of the country.

Lisa Viscidi

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Peace in Colombia's Countryside? First, Turn On the Lights.

Pen, pencil, paper: School resources in Chile

How can Chile use school resources more effectively to ensure educational equity, strengthen leadership and improve teaching?

Ariel Fiszbein, Paulo Santiago, Sandra García Jaramillo, Thomas Radinger

Reports ˙

Educación técnica y formación profesional en América Latina

Un nuevo informe publicado por CAF – Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Diálogo Interamericano describe cómo los países latinoamericanos han buscado mejorar la pertinencia de la formación de capital humano y qué intervenciones pueden potenciar y mejorar las intervenciones existentes.

Ariel Fiszbein, Maria Oviedo, Sarah Stanton

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

The Future of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

A new report from the Education program analyzes trends in education policy and outcomes, as well as in development assistance and investment. It identifies spaces for US-LAC partnership for new and continued engagement.

Sarah Stanton, Ariel Fiszbein

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Peru: The State of Teacher Policies

What is the state of the teaching profession in Peru? A new report analyzes challenges and opportunities for teacher policies in the country.

Ricardo Cuenca, Julio César Vargas Castro

˙ Download the Report

Teaching for Success: Teacher Policies in Shanghai and Lessons for Central America

Teacher quality is one of the variables that most influences educational outcomes. Shanghai, one of the best-performing education systems in the world, has a complex teacher policy framework that emphasizes high entry standards and continuous improvement. What lessons can Shanghai’s teacher policies offer Central America?

Eduardo Vélez Bustillo, Jin Chi

Reports ˙