
A worker is pictured unloading Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine at Mexico City’s airport.

How Effectively Is Mexico Fighting the Covid Pandemic?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the state of the pandemic in Mexico and its political consequences.

Julio Frenk, Andrés Rozental, Pamela K. Starr, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, Carin Zissis, Gavin Strong

Latin America Advisor ˙

A photograph, in color, of new Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga speaking into a microphone.

Can Brazil Stop Spiraling Covid-19 Cases and Deaths?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Brazil’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing health crisis.

Monica de Bolle, Nestor Forster Jr., Gabriela Lotta, Paulo M. Buss, Valéria Guimarães de Lima e Silva

Latin America Advisor ˙

Donation of Covid-19 supplies in Guatemala

Engaging Networks to Address the Covid-19 Pandemic in Guatemala

In recent months, the Inter-American Dialogue has been honored to work with its network of partners to support pandemic response efforts in the Guatemalan communities where we work. Following a generous donation of Covid-19 testing supplies and PPE equipment from the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and Cities Alliance, the Dialogue was proud to facilitate coordination between regional entities, municipal authorities, hospitals, and donors to prioritize needs and distribute supplies.

Kathryn Klaas

Event Summaries ˙

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News: Rebeca Grynspan

Rebeca Grynspan, secretary general of SEGIB, was appointed by the G-20 to the High Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on financing the global pandemic preparedness and response.

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News ˙

A health care worker in Chile is pictured getting the Covid-19 vaccination.

How Well Are Covid Vaccinations Going in Latin America?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on widespread vaccination programs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Katherine E. Bliss, Maria Luisa Ávila, Arachu Castro, Paulo M. Buss, Cuauhtémoc Ruiz Matus, Felicia M. Knaul, Michael Touchton

Latin America Advisor ˙

Patient is pictured in a hospital bed.

Will Covid Change How Latin America Provides Health Care?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on improving Latin America and the Caribbean’s health care.

Jaana Remes, Rolf Hoenger, María del Rocío Sáenz Madrigal, Arachu Castro

Latin America Advisor ˙

Child at a protest, refugees and immigrants

Stop Violating Immigrant Women’s Reproductive Rights

A brave whistleblower recently reported that women immigrants at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center have been subjected to gynecological procedures without their knowledge or informed consent. Unfortunately, for thousands of women and girls, these reported violations are just a sampling of the government’s illegal practices of aggression and neglect in its treatment of women seeking to immigrate to the United States. 

Joan Caivano, Jane Marcus-Delgado

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Ms. Magazine

Photo of medical working, and headshots of Amanda Glassman, Rolf Hoenger, Rifat Atun, Rocio Saenz Video

Innovating Healthcare in Latin America and the Caribbean

On November 4, 2020, the Dialogue convened the panel discussion “Innovating Healthcare in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Forming the basis for discussion, a recent World Bank survey indicated that treatments for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, are suffering disruptions on a global scale. The conversation highlighted the need for innovation in health systems amidst both the global pandemic and the resultant breakdown of NCDs diagnosis and treatment.

Amy Doring

Event Summaries ˙

Two Mexican states recently banned the sale of sweetened drinks and high-calorie packaged foods to minors. // File Photo: Amada Shepherd via

Will Banning High-Calorie Foods Make Mexicans Healthier?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on curbing so-called lifestyle diseases such as obesity and diabetes in Mexico.

Arturo Sarukhán, Andrew Rudman, Nicolás Mariscal, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, Santiago López, Núria Homedes, Arachu Castro

Latin America Advisor ˙

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted treatments for noncommunicable diseases. The Simón Bolívar Hospital in Bogotá is pictured above. // File Photo: EEIM via Creative Commons.

How Can the Region Ensure Treatment for Existing Conditions?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the treatment of noncommunicable diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean amid Covid-19.

Alicia Bárcena, Julio Frenk, Rolf Hoenger, María Luisa Ávila, Ansel Hennis, Felicia Knaul, Michael Touchton

Latin America Advisor ˙

Ralph Gonsalves, the prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (center), welcomed Cuban doctors to his country last March. // File Photo: Prensa Latina.

Is the Government of Cuba Exploiting Medical Workers?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on Cuba’s doctors program and allegations of human rights violations.

Lenier González, Vicki Huddleston, Marco Rubio, Otto Reich, Wazim Mowla

Latin America Advisor ˙

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier this month said the United States was withdrawing from the World Health Organization, whose headquarters in Geneva is pictured above. // File Photo: World Health Organization.

Is the United States Right to Withdraw From the WHO?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization.

Andrew Rudman, Katherine E. Bliss, Ross Marchand, Carlos Espinal

Latin America Advisor ˙

Afro-descendants in Latin America are being hit particularly hard in areas including the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. // File Photo:

How Hard Is Covid Hitting the Region’s Afro-Descendants?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting Afro-descendant communities in the region.

Judith Morrison, Maria Velez de Berliner, Gladys Mitchell-Walthour, Raymond A. Joseph

Latin America Advisor ˙

A Honduran prison. // File Photo: Honduran Government.

Can the Northern Triangle Contain a Prison Pandemic?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on the coronavirus outbreaks in Northern Triangle prisons.

Barry McCaffrey, Adam Blackwell, Yulia Vorobyeva, Tiziano Breda

Latin America Advisor ˙