
Presentation Cover

Family Remittances 2022 in Numbers

The Migration, Remittances, and Development Program presented a report addressing the continued increase of annual remittance trends associated to large migration patterns in 2022.

Manuel Orozco

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Entrada FMI

El aval del FMI no es un cheque en blanco para Ortega

El FMI debería considerar los cuatro factores clave de la gobernabilidad como métricas críticas que aseguran la estabilidad económica; particularmente en referencia a la independencia del Banco Central, la supervisión del sector financiero y la regulación del mercado y el Estado de derecho. autoestima al pueblo para presionar por un cambio político.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Cover photo Dimmed Econ Growth Report

Dimmed Economic Growth Prospects in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is a country where democracy and economic policy have been criminalized because the independence of state institutions is absent. The Ortega-Murillo family has chosen to enact laws that protect the status quo and not the public good. This report makes recommendations that would help ensure economic stability.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Caricatura Ortega-Murillo

La cuenta regresiva de la dictadura en la represión de 2023

El malestar creciente entre los altos funcionarios, la corrupción desenfrenada y las purgas, revelan que no hay salida con Ortega y Murillo. El reto radica en aprovechar las crecientes debilidades, las posibles rupturas y recuperar espacios en miras de devolver la confianza y la autoestima al pueblo para presionar por un cambio político.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Foto de Ciudadanos nicaragüenses recolectan lo que pueda ser útil o comestible en un basurero.

La verdadera economía de Nicaragua está en declive

Para un país pequeño como Nicaragua, con menos de 150,000 negocios formales, la imposición de impuestos, aun en medio de pandemia y crisis económica, ha sido una guerra frontal del Estado en castigo por su patriotismo por el cambio democrático.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Cover photo Radicalization of Nicaragua Report

Dictatorial Radicalization in Nicaragua: From Repression to Extremism?

This report presents an updated review of the Nicaraguan situation after November 2021 and analyzes the gradual increase in repression that has devolved into systematic impunity, particularly through the closure of NGOs. It also looks at the effects of external financing, the pressure of the international community, and international sanctions. This is a research effort led by the Inter-American Dialogue.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Photo of Haiti event card for Oriol webinar Video

Haiti’s Frustration with International Aid

On October 25, 2022, Think Tank Haiti (TTH) – a joint collaboration between Université Quisqueya and the Inter-American Dialogue – hosted a webinar titled “Haiti’s Frustration with International Aid.” During the event, prominent Haiti scholar and sociologist, Michèle Oriol, discussed her recent paper “International Aid or Foreign Policy? Lessons Learned since 1990” and her findings.

Patrick Springer

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of money changing hands

Are Remittance Costs Coming Down in Latin America?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on remittance costs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Manuel Orozco, Julia Yansura, Chad Harper, Kai Schmitz

Financial Advisor ˙

Photo of guatemalan migrants

Migración, remesas y opciones de desarrollo para Guatemala

Hay que tomar en serio la migración y las realidades que la hacen posible porque la salida de personas,
sin respuestas sólidas y comprometidas con el progreso social, no solo continuará, pero no hará mejorar
al país, aun y con las remesas que entran.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ elPeriódico

Cover of Migration Taskforce Report

Migrant Remittances to Central America and Options for Development

The report recommends leveraging remittances through financial access, education, and investment in order to strengthen economic developments and reduce the need for Central Americans to migrate in the first place.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report