
Does the US Election Matter for Latin America?

Issues, policies, and experience have hardly mattered as the campaign offered round after round of personal insults, accusations of illegal and unsavory behavior, and damning indictments of US leaders and institutions.

Peter Hakim

˙ Politica Exterior

Priorities for the Next U.S. Administration

Whatever policies he pursues, the election of Trump is likely to sour relations with virtually every country in Latin America. Normal ties will be virtually impossible with a U.S. president who has so intensely insulted the region and its people.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The Cipher Brief

Prioridades para la próxima administración de EE.UU.

Independientemente de quién gane, es casi seguro que América Latina no será una prioridad para Estados Unidos. EE.UU. no se enfrenta a amenazas urgentes o desafíos en la región, ni está ante unas oportunidades especiales. Ni a los EE.UU. le interesa la integración regional. La propia región permanecerá dividida en muchos aspectos y la política de EE.UU. se centrará principalmente en las relaciones bilaterales.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam