
There is progress, but challenges remain

In the past five years the country has showed progress in education. More children and youth are enrolled, dropout and repetition rates have decrease, teacher trainings have improved and there is a new system for entering and moving up the career ladder based on performance. In addition, resources for this…

Reports ˙

Education Management in Colombia

In search of extend coverage, each subsystem has implemented strategies according to their characteristics (decentralization, engagement with the private system, extension of public supply), but with the common objective to integrate more the vulnerable people.

Cecilia María Vélez

Reports ˙

Between Progress and Setback

During the last ten years, the number of children and youth attending schools, especially preschool and secondary has increased, and important improvements in the quality of education service. However, these efforts are still not enough. In the XXI century, 8% of Colombian population (3.5 million people) are illiterate, and in…

Reports ˙

Good Progress, But There Is Still Much To Do

Caldas y Manizales made very important efforts for education during the last decade: between 1993 and 2002 over 15 thousand quotas were created; school attendance increased in all levels; teacher training improved as well as Caldas schooling reached 6,9 years in 2001, average slightly lower than the rest of the…

Plan Decenal Educativo de Colombia

En 1995 Colombia se propuso elaborar su primer Plan Decenal de Desarrollo Educativo para el periodo 1996-2005, concebido no como un proyecto de un gobierno sino de toda la sociedad. Este mandato emanaba de la Ley General de Educación de 1994, que establecía la elaboración de estos planes como instrumento…

Reports ˙

Great Progress, but Inefficient

Since 1994, Antioquia and Medellin have made valuable fforts to cover and improve quaility education. Between that year and 2002 the number of enrolled students increased by 2% per year and the major efforts were towareds preschool, secondary and middle education. Moreover, almost all children between 7 and 11 years…

Reports ˙

To Improve, an Urgent Challenge

During the last ten years education in el Valle del Cauca has progressed in some ways, but in others it has declined. Illiteracy rates have decreased, average school years have increased- in both aspects el Valle del Cauca is better thant the rest of the country-; besides, teachers have improved…

Fundación Instituto Baldo para el Desarrollo de las Organizaciones

Reports ˙

We Have to Move Forward

Since 1995 Casanare showed great progress in education. The increase in quota was three time higher than the national average and enrollment reached 81%. Casanare also managed to decrease repetition and droupt rates, decrease the differences among children from rural and urban areas and to increase the proportion of teachers…

Blanca Lilia Caro Acero

Colombia: Panorama de la profesión docente

Como parte de las actividades del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Profesionalización Docente, de PREAL, se han desarrollado seis estudios de caso sobre la profesión docente en distintos países de Latinoamérica. El presente resumen ejecutivo sintetiza el panorama de los docentes en el caso de Colombia, partiendo de una caracterización del…

Reports ˙

Informando el progreso educativo

PREAL dará un activo apoyo a los informes de progreso educativo regionales, nacionales y subnacionales durante el 2005. Mientras la Comisión Centroamericana para la Reforma Educativa de PREAL está afinando los términos de referencia de lo que será su tercer informe regional que se publicará a fines de año (ver…

Reports ˙

Peace and Environmental Protection in Colombia

Colombia should integrate environmental considerations into its rural economic development plans to avoid an increase in deforestation associated with the post-conflict transition.

Lorenzo Morales

Reports ˙

Oil and Commodities: The End of the “Age of Abundance”

Across Latin America, the sustained decline in global oil prices has had a profound impact on economic growth, political stability and the viability of resource nationalism – when governments assert more control over the nation’s natural resources.

Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor

Reports ˙ ˙ Italian Institute for International Political Studies

Implementing Colombia’s Peace Accord

El lunes 20 de marzo, El Diálogo realizó un evento con el Ministro de Interior de Colombia, Juan Fernando Cristo, para discutir la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz de Colombia con las FARC.

Laura Campiglia de Méndez

Event Summaries ˙