What Do Brazil and Russia Want From Each Other?
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on bilateral relations between Russia and Brazil.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on bilateral relations between Russia and Brazil.
Ambassador Thomas Shannon, copresidente de la junta directiva de Diálogo Interamericano, ha sido entrevistado el 19 de febrero 2022 por Paula Lugones del periódico argentino Clarín sobre la situación política actual de América Latina y el Caribe. En el centro de la discusión hubo también las influencias de Estados Unidos, China y Rusia en la región.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Russian interests and influence in Latin America and the Caribbean.
En una entrevista con Carlos Fernando Chamorro para Confidencial, Manuel Orozco, senior fellow no-residente del Diálogo Interamericano, comentó acerca del creciente aislamiento internacional en el que se encuentra el régimen de Daniel Ortega, tras liquidar la vía electoral al apresar a siete precandidatos y cancelar la personería jurídica del partido Ciudadanos por la Libertad.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A on the prospects for political dialogue and free and fair elections in Venezuela.
Which oil-producing nations in Latin America and the Caribbean will be the hardest hit by the oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia?
Energy Program Director Lisa Viscidi went on CGTN to discuss the latest developments in the increasingly international debate over how to peacefully resolve the crisis in embattled Venezuela.
In the annual meeting of the world’s largest economies, which starts on Friday in Argentina, it seemed that Latin America and its most pressing concerns – such as the crisis in Venezuela – would be the priorities. However, it is now clear that the current complex global dynamic will dominate.