Member in the News: Roberta Jacobson

Roberta Jacobson Inter-American Dialogue

Roberta Jacobson, former assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, will join the National Security Council under US President Joe Biden to oversee issues related to the US southern border. A career civil servant, Jacobson was the US ambassador to Mexico from 2016 to 2018, and she has focused on Latin America for more than 20 years. 

According to Foreign Policy, Jacobson will "play a key role in implementing the Biden administration’s proposed reforms to the national asylum system and managing national security challenges stemming from Mexico and Central America." She will also help "manage Washington’s relations with Mexico and other Central American countries that experts said have frayed during the past four years." In her new role, Jacobson will report to Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Biden’s incoming homeland security advisor. 


Roberta Jacobson is a Member On-Leave until the end of her term.


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