
Myers in Teleprensa 33 Video

Myers: “China tiene intereses en proyectos de infraestructura que tendrían una potencial aplicación estratégica”

Margaret Myers, directora del programa de Asia y América Latina del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con el program 8 En Punto del canal salvadoreño Teleprensa 33. En esta entrevista se habló acerca de las relaciones entre China y América Latina y la experiencia de países que han pactado acuerdos de cooperación con este país asiático.

Margaret Myers

Interviews ˙ ˙ Teleprensa 33

Participantes del conversatorio

Desarrollo para Guatemala: El cómo desde la migración

El 28 de enero del 2021, El Diálogo Interamericano, en colaboración con la Red Nacional de Grupos Gestores de Guatemala-San Marcos, organizó un conversatorio privado, “La migración como elemento del desarrollo integral: Alianzas y prácticas para su inclusión estratégica” con el apoyo de Cities Alliance. El conversatorio se concentró en el caso guatemalteco con el objetivo de socializar y discutir perspectivas planteadas por actores que trabajan con los lugares de origen, destino y retorno.

Kathryn Klaas, Juan Hernandez

Event Summaries ˙

Housing Laboratory on Migration and Cities in Guatemala Video

Linking Migration to Housing and Urban Planning in Guatemala

On October 29, 2020, the second virtual session of the Housing Laboratory on Migration and Cities in Guatemala (LAV for its initials in Spanish) took place. The Housing Laboratory’s objective was to explore the role of urban and land use planning in the context of international migration and return migration. It further considered how these processes can be integrated into Guatemala’s National Housing Council’s (CONAVI) ongoing efforts to update Guatemala’s National Policy on Housing and Human Settlements in order to guarantee access to decent housing and boost local economic development.

Kathryn Klaas

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ The Inter-American Dialogue

Speakers at Housing Laboratory on Guatemala Video

Migration and Cities in Guatemala: Remittances’ Potential Role for Housing

On August 27, 2020, the first virtual session of a Housing Laboratory on Migration and Cities in Guatemala (LAV by its Spanish initials) was held. As Guatemala’s National Housing Council (CONAVI) works to update Guatemala’s National Policy on Housing and Human Settlements with strategies to increase access to decent, sustainable housing, this event contributed to discussions regarding the potential that remittances offer for financing the provision of decent and broader urban development.

Kathryn Klaas

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Fundación Avina