
Photo of Indian foreign minister and Panamanian president.

What Can Stronger Ties Mean for India & Latin America?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s visit to Latin America in April.

Hari Seshasayee, Jorge Heine, Devika Misra

Latin America Advisor ˙

Laying Cable

Toward Pandemic Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean—Exploring New Dimensions of Japan-US-LAC Interregional Cooperation

On December 16, the Inter-American Dialogue, in partnership with the Japan Association of Latin America and the Caribbean, held a public meeting titled “Toward Pandemic Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean—Exploring New Dimensions of Japan-US-LAC Interregional Cooperation,” to consider prospects for enhanced Latin American, Caribbean, Japanese, and US collaboration in support of regional recovery and sustainable development.

Margaret Myers

Event Summaries ˙

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News: Rebeca Grynspan

Rebeca Grynspan, secretary general of SEGIB, was appointed by the G-20 to the High Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on financing the global pandemic preparedness and response.

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News ˙

Desenvolvimento e Cooperação na América Latina Video

Member in the News: Enrique García

Enrique García, economist and former president of the CAF – Development Bank of Latin America, has published a new book titled Development and Cooperation in Latin America: The Urgent Need for a Renewed Strategy. It is the seventh volume published in the José Bonifácio Chair collection at the University of São Paulo.

Enrique García

Member in the News ˙

Prospects for expanding US natural gas exports to Latin America

Energy continues to be a bright spot in the US-Latin America relationship and new developments, like an uptick in US LNG exports, offer opportunities to increase energy security and cooperation across the Western Hemisphere.

Rebecca O’Connor

Event Summaries ˙