Tania Ortiz Mena, former CEO of IEnova, a leading energy company in Mexico, was appointed as president of the Clean Energy and Infrastructure group of the company Sempra Infraestructura, as well as president of Sempra Infraestructura for Mexico.
Addressing Latin America’s transportation challenges requires an integrated approach that includes stemming the growth in demand for private vehicles through the improvement of public transportation systems and non-motorized forms of transport; raising the levels of fuel efficiency and fuel quality; and diversifying fuel sources.
Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor
Books ˙
˙ The Energy of Transportation: A Focus on Latin American Urban Transportation
Latin America faces some of the toughest obstacles to halting energy emissions, but many countries in the region also have among the best opportunities to reach climate goals.
Electric vehicles are a critical part of a clean transport agenda, but strong policy incentives are needed to promote widespread EV adoption in Latin America.