
Photo of the Centro Universitario de San Marcos (CUSAM)

Migration and Development in Guatemala

On February 27, 2024, Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Inter-American Dialogue, presented, “Migración, Remesas y Desarrollo en Guatemala Tendencias y Recomendaciones” (or “Migration, Remittances, and Development in Guatemala – Trends and Recommendations”) to students at the Centro Universitario de San Marcos (CUSAM).

Manuel Orozco

Presentations ˙

Photo of man holding Nicaraguan flag during 2018 protests

The Political Situation in Nicaragua

Despite receiving a minority of political support, the balance of power is in favor of the regime who dominates the repressive apparatus and possesses economic resources to maintain control and seek a dynastic succession. The magnitude of repression, as well as the noise of various international conflicts, render international mobilization difficult. However, the international community must confer greater importance to the Nicaraguan crisis in the global agenda.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica

Presentation Cover

Family Remittances 2022 in Numbers

The Migration, Remittances, and Development Program presented a report addressing the continued increase of annual remittance trends associated to large migration patterns in 2022.

Manuel Orozco

Presentations ˙ ˙ Download the Presentation

Cover of Migration Taskforce Report

Migrant Remittances to Central America and Options for Development

The report recommends leveraging remittances through financial access, education, and investment in order to strengthen economic developments and reduce the need for Central Americans to migrate in the first place.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Image of report 3

Climate Adaptation in the Northern Triangle: How the United States Can Foster Locally Led and Sustainable Change

This report, informed by the Dialogue’s Task Force on Climate Change in the Northern Triangle, complements the recommendations of the previous report in the series, on themes such as agriculture, water, energy, and finance, with strategic recommendations for US assistance to foster effective and sustainable adaptation, especially through empowering local leadership.

Nate Graham, MK Vereen, Allison Woolverton

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

photo of Manuel Orozco

Alumni in the News: Manuel Orozco

After a year’s sabbatical Manuel Orozco will return to the Dialogue on November 15 to once again direct the Migration, Remittances and Development Program.

Manuel Orozco

Alumni in the News ˙

Kamala Harris

How did Harris’ Central America trip go?

Noah Bierman, from the Los Angeles Times, travelled with Vice President Harris to the region and interviewed Rebecca Bill Chavez, non-resident senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, to assess the trip and the bigger questions it raises about the Biden administration’s strategy for reducing migration. 

Rebecca Bill Chavez, Noah Bierman

Interviews ˙ ˙ Los Angeles Times

Collage for Central America Event Video

Addressing the Root Causes of Migration from Central America

On April 21, 2021, the Inter-American Dialogue, Creative Associates International, and the International Organization on Migration hosted the online event Addressing the Root Causes of Migration from Central America to discuss trends in Central American migration alongside practical solutions for managing these flows and addressing the factors pressuring people to leave their homes.

Kathryn Klaas

Event Summaries ˙

Joe Biden speaking

Shifter: “De parte de Biden vamos a ver firmeza contra Nicolás Maduro”

Michael Shifter, presidente de Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con La Nación de Costa Rica sobre la llegada de Joe Biden a La Casa Blanca y sus implicaciones para América Latina. También se conversó acerca de la política migratoria del nuevo gobierno de Estados Unidos, la situación en Venezuela y el manejo de la crisis del Covid-19 en la región.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ La Nación de Costa Rica

Roberta Jacobson

Member in the News: Roberta Jacobson

Roberta Jacobson, former assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, will join the National Security Council under US President Joe Biden to oversee issues related to the US southern border.

Roberta Jacobson

Member in the News ˙

Joe Biden speaks at a rally during his campaign for the presidency

Biden’s Latin America Opportunity: Why the Western Hemisphere Is More Important Than Ever

As the Biden administration prepares to restore US leadership on the global stage, enhanced coordination with Latin America and the Caribbean on vital issues such as climate change, human rights, and a rules-based trading system beckons as a strategic opportunity. The president-elect, more than any recent occupant of the White House, is well placed to seize it.

Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs