
Image of G77 China Representative

Is China the Leader of the Global South?

China’s engagement across the Global South is inherently complex. Asia and Latin America Program Director, Margaret Myers, considers whether or not China has achieved the role of de facto leader of Global South nations.

Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ UK National Committee on China

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News: Rebeca Grynspan

Rebeca Grynspan, secretary general of SEGIB, was appointed by the G-20 to the High Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on financing the global pandemic preparedness and response.

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News ˙


Ataque a la Asamblea Nacional, Corea del Norte, Trump y el G20

El ataque a la Asamblea Nacional en Venezuela, tensiones diplomáticas con Corea del Norte, y la reunión del G20 en Hamburgo – temas de discusión en este programa de Club de Prensa. Presentado por Juan Carlos Iragorri, con la participación de Xavier Vilà, periodista y analista catalán; José López Zamorano, corresponsal jefe de ‘Notimex’ – México; Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24