On June 23, 2021, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a private meeting with members of the delegation of the Unitary Democratic Platform of Venezuela during their visit to Washington, DC. The private roundtable conversation included Leopoldo Lopez, National Coordinator of Voluntad Popular and former Mayor of Chacao; and Gerardo Blyde, President of the Unitary Democratic Platform.
This report from the Dialogue’s Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program analyzes one of the salient features of contemporary Venezuela—rampant corruption—and presents detailed proposals for repatriating stolen assets for the benefit of the Venezuelan people.
Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interaméricano, habla de los EE.UU., Trump, y la crisis económica y política de América Latina en exclusiva para Contexto.
Once a major OPEC producer, Venezuela has witnessed a spectacular fall in oil production over the last 20 years under Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro. In 2019, U.S. sanctions hastened this decline. Will Venezuela ever reclaim its place as a top oil producer?
On February 18, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Next Stop Caracas: Venezuela’s Uncertain Path Forward,”to discuss the future of Venezuela, and steps that should be taken by the international community to support a democratic transition.
A new report by the Venezuela Working Group, an initiative of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, proposes a framework for future action based on a realistic assessment of Venezuela’s current trajectory.
Lisa Viscidi and Nate Graham spoke with S&P Global Platts about the findings of a new report which argues that Western oil companies will be needed to revive Venezuela’s oil sector. They discuss the obstacles that could affect whether these firms increase production in the country under a new government, including US sanctions uncertainty, high taxes, and a shortage of workers and working infrastructure.
Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham, Brian Scheid, Meghan Gordon
With Venezuela’s state oil company in disarray, international oil companies will be the key to tapping the country’s oil resources. The Inter-American Dialogue interviewed eight large Western oil companies about the conditions that will determine how rapidly, and to what degree, they start or ramp up operations in Venezuela following a political transition.
CGTN’s Asieh Namdar talked with Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, about the top news stories in Latin America in 2019, and the outlook for 2020.
On December 6, 2019, Michael Shifter, President of the Inter-American Dialogue joined the World Affairs Council of Hilton Head to discuss the current situation in Venezuela. Shifter remarked on the events in Venezuela that led up to the Chávez and Maduro’s governments, the economic and humanitarian crisis that is ongoing in the country, the complexities of US policy options going forward.
Michael Shifter
Presentations ˙
˙ World Affairs Council of Hilton Head
While the crisis in Venezuela is primarily humanitarian in nature, international involvement has escalated to the point where a discussion of the geopolitics surrounding the issue is both appropriate and timely. To that end, the Inter-American Dialogue co-hosted a discussion on May 21 titled “Is the Venezuela Crisis Becoming a Proxy Conflict?” with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
CGTN’s Mike Walter spoke with the President of the Inter-American Dialogue, Michael Shifter, about the crisis in Venezuela. Among the topics discussed were Juan Guaidó’s swearing in as interim president, the role that the military and outside actors will play, and how the crisis might unravel. Comments by Michael Shifter: …
En esta edición del programa La Tarde se analizó el anunció del gobierno de Donald Trump sobre su intención de incluir a Venezuela en la lista de estados patrocinadores de terrorismo internacional, lo cual implicaría nuevas sanciones contra el régimen de Maduro.
Thousands flee Venezuela in the hopes of reaching Peru before the new passport restriction occurs. In the midst of an economic crisis worse than the Great Depression, the UN has categorically place this exodus near a crisis point. Michael Shifter, president of Inter-American Dialogue, discusses with CGTN’s Wang Guan the extent of this crisis, its implications at the international scale, and the measures that others can take to help.