
Brasil, conheça o próximo presidente dos EUA

A maioria dos analistas prevê que Hillary Clinton será a próxima presidente dos EUA, mas nenhum analista excluiu Donald Trump da disputa. Uma vitória de Hillary garantirá continuidade ao país. Já a agenda de Trump, depois de 18 meses de campanha, permanece imprevisível. Muitos temem que ela possa causar transtornos perigosos –se ele tentar revogar ou reescrever políticas americanas já arraigadas, conforme prometeu fazer.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Folha de S. Paulo

Does the US Election Matter for Latin America?

Issues, policies, and experience have hardly mattered as the campaign offered round after round of personal insults, accusations of illegal and unsavory behavior, and damning indictments of US leaders and institutions.

Peter Hakim

˙ Politica Exterior

Trump vs. Clinton: Moment of Truth

Without question, what is at stake in this election are two entirely different ways of understanding the United States and its role in the world. On Tuesday the voters will have their final say –and the time to govern will begin. Whoever wins, the polarization, rancor and malaise that this election brought to the fore will permeate US politics for years to come.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Deber