
The Implications of El Salvador’s Elections

Although experts predict that the ruling FMLN party will hold on to power in El Salvador’s elections, whoever wins faces a complex set of challenges.

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El Salvador 25 Years After the Peace Agreements

On June 20, the Inter-American Dialogue invited founder, Carlos Dada, and director, José Luis Sanz, of El Faro, the preeminent online investigative journal in El Salvador, to reflect on the aftermath of the Chapultepec Peace Accords and on the current challenges facing El Salvador.

Andrea Clark

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El espejismo antipartidario

Nayib Bukele lidera ampliamente las encuestas para la elección presidencial en El Salvador, que tendrá lugar en pocos días. Su gran activo ha sido el rechazo generalizado de la ciudadanía a los dos partidos que gobiernan el país desde hace un cuarto de siglo. La debilidad de los partidos es uno de los problemas más serios de la democracia en América Latina. Negarse a enfrentarlo es resignarse a tener una política balcanizada, volátil, caudillista y, por ello mismo, machista.

Kevin Casas-Zamora

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Collage of the profile images of the speaker and moderator for the event Video

Elections and Institutional Crisis in El Salvador

On March 8, 2021, the Inter-American Dialogue, WOLA, Cristosal and DPLF hosted an event to discuss the recent legislative elections in El Salvador on January 28, how democratic governance has been challenged in the country in recent years, and how the United States–El Salvador relationship can change given the new US administration.

Sofía Corzo

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